
Erlene at Fudan University in Fudan, China

Curriculum Vitae

Erlene Rosowsky, Psy.D., F.G.S.A


NIMH Fellow 1988-1989 Harvard Medical School, Department of Psychiatry Boston, MA

Clinical Psychology, Psy.D. 1984-1988 William James College (Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology) Boston, MA

Language Rehabilitation, CAGS 1980 Boston University Boston, MA

Audiology, Ed.M. 1966-1968 Boston University Boston, MA

Speech Pathology & Audiology, B.A. 1960-1965 Boston University Boston, MA


Licensed Psychologist, Commonwealth of Massachusetts (#4875) 1989-Present

National Register of Health Service Psychologists (Credential #41207) 1990-Present

Academic History

Professor, Department of Clinical Psychology 2019-present William James College Newton, MA

Core Faculty 2003-2018 William James College (fka Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology) Newton, MA

Teaching Associate 2012-Present Harvard Medical School, Department of Psychiatry Boston, MA

Assistant Clinical Professor in Psychology 1997-2012 Harvard Medical School, Department of Psychiatry Boston, MA

Adjunct Faculty 1993-2002 Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology Boston, MA

Instructor in Psychology 1992-1997 Harvard Medical School, Department of Psychiatry Boston, MA


Psychologists in Long Term Care first annual Michael Duffy, PhD Award for “Outstanding Contributions to Training and Mentorship of Psychology in Long Term Care.” 2020

Fulbright Specialist Award 2017

American Society on Aging Award for outstanding contribution to the field of aging 2012

Fulbright Specialist Award 2012

Fulbright Specialist Award 2011

Fellow, for outstanding and continuing contribution to the advancement of gerontology 2003, Gerontological Society of America

Florence Mintz Alumnae Award, for outstanding contribution to the profession of psychology 2002

Professional Affiliations (Current)

Member, Association for Gerontology in Higher Education 2016-Present

Member, International Society for the Study of Personality Disorders 2009-Present

Fellow, Gerontological Association of America 2003-Present

Member, Gerontological Association of America 1988-Present

Member, International College of Psychoneuropharmacology 2001-Present

Affiliate, American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry 2000-Present

Member, Massachusetts Gerontology Association 1995-Present

Member, International Psychogeriatric Association 1993-Present

Member, American Society on Aging 1990-Present

Member, Psychologists in Long Term Care 1990-Present

Member, American Psychological Association 1988-Present

Member, Massachusetts Psychological Association 1986-Present

Peer Reviewed Publications (Selected)

Sebastiaan P.J. van Alphen, Ph.D., Sanne van der Werff, MSc., Erlene Rosowsky, Psy.D., Daniel L. Segal, Ph.D., & Gina Rossi, Ph.D. (2023). Assessment of Personality Disorders in Older Adults. A Practice Guide. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 36(6), 470-478. DOI: 10.1177/08919887231175431

Schulkens, J., Bergs, N., Ingenhoven, T.J.M., Rosowsky, E., van Alphen, S.P.J., & Sobczak, S. (2021). Selective Serotonin Reuptake-Inhibitors for Symptom-Based Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorders in Older Adults: An International Delphi Study. Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience, 00(0):1-00.

Rosowsky, E., Lodish, E., Ellison, J. & van Alphen S.P.J.(2019). A Delphi Study of Late-Onset Personality Disorders. International Psychogeriatrics

Gielkens, E.M.J., Sobczak, S., Rossi, G., Rosowsky, E., & van Alphen, S.P.J.(2018). EMDR as a treatment approach of PTSD complicated by comorbid psychiatric, somatic and cognitive disorders: a case report of an older Dutch woman with a borderline and avoidant personality disorder. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 17(5), 328-347.

Gielkens, E.M.J., Vink, M., Sobczak,S., Rosowsky, E. & van Alphen, S.P.J.(2018). Eye movement desensitization reprocessing in older adults with Posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 12(3), 132-141.

Morris, S., Schaefer, K., & Rosowsky, E. (2018). Primary Care for the Elderly Bereaved:Recommendations for Medical Education. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings.

Molinari, V. & Rosowsky, E. (2018). Commentary on Special Issue of Assessment in Older Adults. Assessment, 25(3), 394-398.

Rosowsky, E., Young, A.S., Malloy, M.C., van Alphen, S.P.J., & Ellison, J.M.(2018). A cross-validation Delphi method approach to the diagnosis and treatment of personality disorders in older adults. Aging and Mental Health, 22(3), 371-378

Achenbaum, A., Bern-King, M., & Rosowsky, E. eds. (2017). The Summer of Love, the Baby Boomers, and Their Arc of Aging. Generations, 41 (2).

Weusten, L.H., Sobczak, S., Rosowsky, E., Heijnen-Kohl, E.L., & van Alphen, S.P.J.(2016). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and co-morbidity in old age. Journal of Gerontology & Geriatric Research S5: 006. .

Videler, A., van der Feltz-Cornelis, C.M., Rossi, G.M.P., van Royen, R.J.J., Rosowsky, E., & van Alphen, S.P.J.(2015). Psychotherapeutic treatment levels of personality disorders in older adults. Clinical Gerontologist, 38 (4), 325-341.

Rosowsky, E., & Molinari, V. (2014). Personality disorders in later life. Generations, 38(3), 37-44.

Debast, I., van Alphen, B.S.P.J., Rossi, G.M.P., Tummers, J., Bolwek, N., Derksen, J.J.L., & Rosowsky, E. (2014). Personality traits and personality disorders in late middle and old age: Do they remain stable? A literature review. Clinical Gerontologist, 37(3), 253-271.

Van Alphen, S.P.J., Rossi, G., Segal, D.L., & Rosowsky, E. (2013). Guest editorial. Issues regarding the proposed DSM-5 personality disorders in geriatric psychology and psychiatry. International Psychogeriatrics, 25 (1), 1-5.

Van Alphen, S.P.J., Bolwerk, N., Videler, A.C., Tummers, J.H.A., van Royen, R.J.J., Barendse, H.P.J., Verheul, R., & Rosowsky, E. (2013). Age-related aspects and clinical implications of diagnosis and treatment of personality disorders in older adults. Clinical Gerontologist, 35 (1), 27-41.

Van Alphen, S.P.J., Derksen, J.J.L., Sadavoy, J., & Rosowsky, E. (2012). Editorial. Features and challenges of personality disorders in late life. Aging and Mental Health, 16(7), 805-810.

Rosowsky, E., King, K.D., Coolidge, F.K., Rhoades, C.S., & Segal, D. (2012). Marital satisfaction and personality traits in long-term marriages: An exploratory study. Clinical Gerontologist, 35, 77-87.

Kramer, N., Hartman-Stein, P., Qualls, S., Salamon, M., Duffy, M., Parr, J., & Gallagher-Thompson, D. (1998). Standards for psychological services in long-term care facilities. The Gerontologist, 38(1), 122-127.

Rosowsky, E., & Dougherty, L.M.(1998). Personality disorders and clinician responses. Clinical Gerontologist, 18(4), 31-42.

Rosowsky, E., Dougherty, L.M., Johnson, C., & Gurian, B. (1997). Personality as an indicator of ‘goodness of fit’ between the elderly individual and the health service system. Clinical Gerontologist, 17(3), 41-53.

Rosowsky, E. (1995) Friends, lovers, and siblings: Will you still need me when I’m old and gray? Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 28, 131-137.

Rosowsky, E. (1993). Suicidal behavior in the nursing home and a post-suicide intervention. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 47(1), 127-142.

Rosowsky, E., & Gurian, B. (1992). Impact of borderline personality disorder in late life on systems of care. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 43(4), 386-389.

Rosowsky, E. (1992). Care provider personality in the provision of care to the elderly with primitive personality organization. The Gerontologist, 32, 137.

Rosowsky, E., & Gurian, B. (1991). Borderline personality disorder in late life. International Psychogeriatrics, 3 (1), 39-52.

Rosowsky, E. (1991). Notion of ‘fit’ between the presentation of personality disorders in the elderly and health services systems. The Gerontologist, 31, 256.

Books & Book Chapters


Rosowsky, E., J. Casciani, and M. Arnold, eds. Geropsychology and Long Term Care: A Practitioner’s Guide. New York: Springer Publishing Company. 2009.

Segal, D.L., F.L. Coolidge, and E. Rosowsky. Personality Disorders and Older Adults: Diagnosis, Assessment, and Treatment. NJ: John Wiley & Sons. 2006.

Rosowsky, E., and J. Casciani, eds. Long Term Care Professional Education Program Manual. Western Illinois University Press. 2003.

Rosowsky, E., R. Abrams, and R. Zweig, eds. Personality Disorders in Older Adults: Emerging Issues in Diagnosis and Treatment. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishing. 1999.

Book Chapters

Rosowsky, E. and Peters, A. “Resilience and personality disorders in older age.” In Eds.Resnick, B., Gwyther, L.& Roberto, K. The Handbook of Resilience in Aging: The Key to Successful Aging. (second edition) New York: Springer Publishing Company, (2018).

Rosowsky, E., & Molinari, V. Personality disorders. In S. Whitbourne (Ed.), The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Adulthood and Aging. New York: Wiley, 2015. DOI: 10.1002/9781118528921.wbeaa044

Rosowsky, E. “Resilience and personality disorders: Clinical implications.” The Handbook of Resilience in Aging. Eds. B. Resnick, K. Roberto, and L. Gwyther. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 2011. 31-50.

Rosowsky, E., and D.L. Segal. “Personality disorders in later life.” Casebook in Clinical Geropsychology: International Perspectives on Practice. Ed. N. Pachana, K. Laidlow, and B. Knight. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. 195-209.

Molinari, V., F. Kier, and E. Rosowsky. “SOC, personality, and long-term care.” Geropsychological Interventions in Long-Term Care. Ed. L. Hyer, and R. Intrieri. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 2006. 139-156.

Segal, D.L., F.L. Coolidge, and E. Rosowsky. “Personality disorders.” Psychopathology in Later Adulthood. Ed. S.K. Whitbourne. New York: Wiley & Sons, 2000. 89-115.

Rosowsky, E. “The patient-therapist relationship and the psychotherapy of the older adult with personality disorder.” Personality Disorders in Older Adults: Emerging Issues in Diagnosis and Treatment. Ed. E. Rosowsky, R.C. Abrams, and R. Zweig. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishing, 1999. 153-174.

Rosowsky, E., and M. Smyer. “Personality disorders and the difficult nursing home patient.” Personality Disorders in Older Adults: Emerging Issues in Diagnosis and Treatment. Ed. E. Rosowsky, R.C. Abrams, and R. Zweig. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishing, 1999. 257-274.

Rosowsky, E. “Interventions for older adults with personality disorders.” Professional Psychology in Long Term Care. Ed. V. Molinari. New York: The Hatherleigh Company, 1999. 167-178.

Rosowsky, E. “Couple therapy with older adults: Themes and strategies.” Handbook of Counseling and Psychotherapy with Older Adults. Ed. M. Duffy. New York: Wiley & Sons, 1999. 242-266.

Reviewer Positions

Reviewer, BMC Psychiatry 2018

Reviewer, Gerontology & Geriatrics Education 2018

Reviewer, Gerontological Society of America 2020

Grant Reviewer, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada 2011-2016

Chair, Editorial Board, Generations 2006-2013

Member, Editorial Board, Generations 2000-2006

Book Review Editor, Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2001-2003

Board of Editors, Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2000-2001

Professional Presentations (Selected)

Examining possible risk factors associated with frontotemporal dementia (contributor, poster). Massachusetts Neuropsychological Society Science Symposium, Boston, MA, 2018.

Mentoring in geropsychology (part of symposium, “The role of mentoring in attracting doctoral students to work with underserved populations”). Mid-Winter Conference, National Council of Schools and Programs in Professional Psychology, Atlanta, GA, 2016.

The relationship of masculinity-femininity, internalized homonegativity, and visibility management (poster). Annual Meeting, American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada, 2015.

Challenging behaviors in the nursing home setting. American Society on Aging, Chicago, IL, 2013.

Resilience and personality disorder in old age (paper). International Psychogeriatric Association Congress, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2011.

Marital satisfaction and personality traits in long-term marriages (paper). 119^th^ Annual Meeting, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, 2011.

Challenges of countertransference and older adults. Annual Conference, National Council on Aging and American Society on Aging, Chicago, IL, 2010.

Personality disorders in older adults. Annual Conference, National Council on Aging and American Society on Aging, Chicago, IL, 2010.

Anxiety disorders in older adults. Annual Conference, National Council on Aging and American Society on Aging, Chicago, IL, 2010.

Personality in older age: Ordered and disordered. Regional Council on Aging, Hudson, MA, 2010

Creating caring communities… For them and us. Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention Summit, Gaithersburg, MD, 2008.

Productive aging: The relationship of purpose, meaning, and value to work in older age. Ann Richards Invitational Roundtable on Gender and the Media, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, 2008.

Themes in psychotherapy with older adults [keynote]. Family Services of Warren County, North Warren, PA, 2005.

Marriage: From mid-life into and through old age. Cambridge Hospital Continuing Education Division, Cambridge, MA, 2004.

Understanding, diagnosing, and treating personality disorders in older adults. OBRA (Omnibus Reconciliation Act) Conference, Michigan Department of Community Health, 2003.

Personality disorders in older adults. Quincy Medical Center, Quincy, MA, 2002.

Personality disorders in older adults. Fourth Annual Conference for Providers and Services for Older Adults, Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT, 2002.

When the diagnosis is personality disorder. Michigan Department of Community Health, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 2002.

Aging easier (keynote speech). Westport-Weston United Way, Weston, CT, 2002.

Aging easier. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Braintree, MA, 2001.

Understanding and treating older adults with personality disorders. Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, 2001.

Community Presentations (selected topics and venues)

Affirming Goodness and Being Positive:Center Communities of Brookline,Brookline,MA

Aging Easier:Positive Mental Health,Newbridge on the Charles, Newton,MA

Depression in older age. Fox Hill Village, Weston, MA

Aging easier, adjusting better. Springhouse, Boston, MA

Mental health topics, regular contributor. Newton Cable TV “Spotlight for Seniors,” Newton, MA

I remember it well: Maintaining a healthy outlook. Community Wellness Collaborative, Needham, MA

Strategies for successful aging [volunteer training]. Stephen Palmer Senior Center, Needham, MA .

Strategies for successful aging. Dover-Sherborn Council on Aging, Dover, MA

Depression in the elderly. Highland Glen, Westwood, MA

Psychotherapy: The older adult. Human Resource Services, Wellesley, MA

Behavior management of the difficult patient. North Hill Health Center, Needham, MA

Caregiver burnout and the decision for institutional placement. Assabet Valley Adult Social Day Care Program, Marlboro, MA .

Stress and balancing it all. Minuteman Home Care, Burlington, MA, 1990.

